About Us
Our Clinic
Click Chiropractic is based in Fleming House which is a modern building situated in the far corner of Fort Kinnaird Retail Park. It is located in a red brick building in between Curry’s PC World and Frankie & Benny’s. It provides office space for Fort Kinnaird customer services and many other businesses. Outside the building you will see a sign reading Regus Express Business Lounge and a white porch. You can enter the building here and you will climb a flight of stairs to the first floor.
The clinic space in on a first floor and is accessed via 20 steps from the ground floor car park. We regret to inform that there is no wheelchair accessibility to the clinic.
Waiting Area
There is a comfortable waiting area in the communal space for you to relax while you wait for your appointment. You will see the Click Chiropractic sign on the door, which asks all patients to wait in the reception area until Michael is ready to see you.
Chiropractic Office
We have 1 fully equipped chiropractic office which is comfortable and private to create and pleasant and calming environment. My chiropractic assistant will be waiting to meet you. His name is Cliff and he doesn’t talk much as he is a skeleton, but he allows me to explain musculoskeletal conditions to my patients. He also has a ginger moustache like the chiropractor.
In April 2019 Michael was delighted to be awarded the McTimoney Chiropractic Association Award for achieving a first grading in the final clinical practice year and a first grading overall for the 5-year Masters. The award recognises Michael’s hard work throughout the course academically and practically with attention to the clinical management of patients.
Why Us?
Click Chiropractic can offer gentle adjustments without the crack. The Activator Method is gentle low force approach to chiropractic. The technique has been used safely on patients of all ages since the late 1960’s bringing relief to people with musculoskeletal pain. The Activator Instrument delivers a controlled, reproduceable and fast thrust which reduces the risk of human error. The technique is performed with the patient on their front for the entire treatment so ideal if mobility is an issue. The gentle approach also makes it ideal for all ages.
Why not come along and see for yourself? Especially as we offer a no-charge, no obligation, spinal check service.
Where to find us
Click Chiropractic – Edinburgh
Please contact us to make an appointment
Click Chiropractic
Fort Kinnaird, Regus Express, Fleming House, Unit 30, 1st Floor, EH15 3RD
07746 753063