What to expect

Click Chiropractic welcomes you to enjoy the personalised and one-to-one service, you’re in safe hands.
You can expect our full, undivided attention in dealing with your problem professionally, confidentially and with empathy. Your visits to our clinic will involve:
Initial Consultation
You will meet Michael who will ask many questions related to the problem you are experiencing, as well as your general health and medical history. You can expect:
- A thorough examination involving orthopaedic, neurological, postural and chiropractic tests to help formulate a diagnosis as to the underlying cause of your problem.
- Cardiovascular, respiratory and abdominal screens if necessary.
- a referral for X-rays, MRI scans or blood tests, if further investigation is required.
- To be booked for your Report of Findings visit as soon as possible thereafter.
- In some cases it may be possible to perform your first adjustment straight after your initial consultation if deemed appropriate.
Report of Findings
All of your findings will be presented to you in a clear and simple format to help you understand the underlying cause of your condition. If appropriate, our recommendations for chiropractic care will be presented. Any questions you may have will be fully addressed as it’s important you are fully informed before deciding to consent to chiropractic care.
Your first adjustment will be performed and any recommendations for home care or exercises explained. Your next adjustment, according to your care programme, will then be arranged.
Subsequent Visits
Depending on your care programme, you will be advised to return for further adjustments at specific intervals. It’s vital to your recovery that the frequency of these adjustments is maintained as it can affect the outcome of your care and results. If an appointment needs to be changed, we encourage a further appointment to be made as soon as possible.
The duration of subsequent visits may vary dependent on how many adjustments need to be performed. We understand life today is very busy so we aim not to keep you in the clinic any longer than is absolutely necessary.
The technique utilizes specific protocols which involve the patient performing head and arm movements which isolate and detect spinal and extremity joint dysfunction. This will bring about leg length inequality which will be identified, and the appropriate adjustment will be made with the Activator Methods instrument.
Depending on your care programme, you will be reassessed at specific intervals. Visits will involve analysis of any residual symptoms and functional tests to evaluate if you are on track with your health goals. These can also be valuable opportunities to ask further questions.
Spine Check
If you are unsure if chiropractic care is suitable for you or you would like to speak to a chiropractor before deciding to book in for an initial consultation, a complimentary spine check can be arranged. This can provide an opportunity for you to find out more about chiropractic and ask as many questions as you would like.
If you feel you could benefit from our help, give us a call. 07746753063.